1 shot o' wheatgrass = 2 kilos of vegetables

There are claims on many websites that 1 shot of wheatgrass juice gives you the same nutrients as 1 kilo (2.2 pounds) of fresh vegetables. The source of this claim seems to come from a guy named Charles F. Schnabel, who allegedly said that "Fifteen pounds of wheatgrass is equivalent to 350 pounds of the choicest vegetables". Many websites and juice bars claim this on their websites. I have pondered this for quite a while, and I think this statement is very misleading. First of all, they don't tell you which fresh vegetables they are comparing wheatgrass to. Secondly, they don't tell you which nutrients they are measuring. Different vegetables have different amounts of vitamins and minerals.
Here is the nutritional data of wheatgrass tablets and powder that I found on a website that sells wheatgrass stuff. It seems to me that wheatgrass juice does in fact contain a lot of vitamins, minerals, and amino acids, although none in extraordinarily high concentrations. In addition, many vegetables contain a lot of these same vitamins and nutrients as well.
So what do we conclude from all of this? My feeling is that there is something else about it that makes wheatgrass healthy for us. Maybe it is the fact that 70% of wheatgrass juice is chlorophyll. Chlorophyll sure makes plants grow quickly, but can it work for people? Another idea to ponder is that cows and horses live almost entirely on grass. If you watch a horse graze, you will notice that they don't really like the old, tall grass. They prefer to eat the newly grown shoots because these contain the most nutrients and taste better. The fact that cows and horses can grow to be huge and full of muscles just from eating grass is in itself proof enough for me that wheatgrass juice works. Somehow grass contains enough vitamins and nutrients for them to grow big and strong, so I am willing to add it to my diet of other healthy foods.

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