Why Grow and Drink Wheatgrass Juice?

If you haven't heard already, here are a few of the reasons you should try drinking wheatgrass. I am not trying to sell you anything here. My goal is simply to inform as many people as I can about this wonderful little drink that gives thousands of people a much needeed boost of liquid energy every day.

* Wheatgrass contains at least 13 vitamins, several antioxidants, and a bunch of other minerals and enzymes

* The nutrients in wheatgrass juice are completely assimilated by the human body in 20 minutes.

* Wheat grass only contains around 10-15 calories per teaspoon. It has no fat or cholesterol.

* Drinking Wheatgrass juice is a great way for you to increase your intake of leafy green vegetables.

* Wheatgrass Juice is especially good for people suffering from illness or pain. There are many, many stories of people who claim wheatgrass juice helped them recover from all kinds of illnesses.

* Wheatgrass may be expensive to buy at stores, but it is really simple to grow at home. I grow it on my balcony in trays. One tray can give me about 20 ounces of juice, which only cost a few cents each.

* Growing your own wheatgrass is a fun and rewarding hobby that almost anybody can do.

* Farmers give wheatgrass juice to bulls that become steril. After a while, most bulls can return to their jobs. Drinking wheatgrass also helps boost sexual stamina in humans. The high magnesium content in chlorophyll builds enzymes that restore the sex hormones.

* Wheatgrass juice is fine for most people with wheat allergies, since the young grass hasn't developed gluten yet. Most people with wheat allergies have problems with the gluten.

* Wheatgrass is useful in treating constipation and keeping the bowels open.

* The chlorophyll in wheatgrass also helps to purify the liver.

* Wheatgrass fights against infections and improves the body's ability to heal wounds.

* It absorbs 92 out of the known 102 minerals from the soil, which go into your body when you drink the juice!

* Wheatgrass aids in the prevention and fight against cancer.


'PeachBelle' said...

Can't we just snip it with scissors and put it on our salads or beans and such?... all this juicing seems like an awful lot of trouble ( & expense!)

MrVegan said...

Sorry Peachbelle,

I wish we could eat it in salads, but human stomachs can't digest the fibers in wheatgrass and get the nutrients out of it without juicing it first. For a lot more information about this, take a look at the post on this subject under the label "About Wheatgrass" in this blog.

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